Friday, March 04, 2005

Talk about prejudice at the expense of nation pride

General Knowledge:

What is a semite? A semite is a member of a group of Semitic-speaking peoples of the Middle East and northern Africa. Semitic is an adjective which in common parlance mistakenly refers specifically to Jewish things, while the term actually refers to things originating among speakers of Semitic languages or people descended from them, and in a linguistic context to the northeastern subfamily of Afro-Asiatic. (more ref on semitic: Semitic)

Ken Livingstone (controversial mayor of London) is unrepentable on his "anti-semitic" comment in which he maintained his refusal to apologise for likening a Jewish reporter to a Nazi concentration camp guard. He continued his personal bashing and voicing out his opinion at: comment ;

Therefore if someone is anti-semitic, he/she is also anti-arab, anti-jewish and those who belongs under the semite group. Then, we may be thinking of the whole "by-proxy practicing". Are we the victim of the world propaganda or just couldn't be bothered to find out or listen to different parties about what is actually going on around us. But on second thought, one needs to be open-minded and tries to avoid any prejudging under no circumstances while seeking the knowledge. One cannot afford to be biased and prejudiced and should not attempt to come up with unsolicited opinion when it comes to sensitive issues.

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