Today is 5 Shawal 1428H. I hope it is never too late to wish every muslim reader a happy and blessed aidil fitri, maaf zahir batin. Although eid falls on the 1st shawal of the islamic lunar calendar, we malaysians celebrate eid for the whole shawal month be it 29 or 30 days.
This year's raya:
- I managed to puasa the whole month so I dont need to do any ganti.
- I didn't buy any baju raya, or kasut raya, but i bought meself new tudungs and new set of brooches.
- I lost 5-8 kg. Therefore, I managed to fit into an old pair of Sisley pinstriped pants that I havent wore for the past 2 years or more.
- I went to visit my dearest Cikgu Maimunah Yunus in Sg.Merab Luar, who taught me in standard 3 and that I havent seen her for AGES.
- I also went convoying with another 2 ex-kisas classmates to beraya at our cikgu and ex-mentor, Cikgu Rosnaini Adnan in Kg.Kemensah, Ulu Klang, just next to the Zoo Negara.
- I drove with my parents on a convoy with another car driven by my 4th bro-inlaw to Johor Bahru on the Eid's night, saturday night 13 October 2007 that was. I haven't been to Johor for almost 7 years, and I have always regarded that city as my own personal romantic city in Malaysia. So many beautiful memories emblazoned forever in my heart during my 5-months working stints in Pasir Gudang. A supposedly 4 hours plus , can be 5 hours journey was somehow cut into 3 hours (or less as I had a half an hour or more break at one of the R&Rs) as I was constantly driving at 120 to 170 km/h speed. The midnight driving thrill effect was heightened by the thick fog blanketting the highways all the way from Pagoh to Kulai.
- I am most probably gonna be embarking on another relationship "adventure" . Wish me luck, occay. It aint gonna be a secret i tell ya, but this new relationship is still very fresh and i was afraid to jinx it. It all began in my last trip to Cameron Highlands, and I hope it'll continue to bloom and bloom inshallah. I am no longer with the bengal dude, but he's still my good buddy (so as a few of my old flames, and i like to remain friends with them especially that we have shared a very close, intimate and spiritual relationships together and we empower each other. Me bitter? In the beginning memang la kan bengang, sedeyyy and macam2 but i also treat all these as part of my life experiments. They weren't experiment rejects or anything like that but more on my personal progressing part. As we know, a research is always in the continual, dynamic mode and I as a researcher would naturally continually improving on the methodologies and looking for better ways to achieve better products and so on. Ala2 CQI , continual quality improvement laaaa....)

My faculty is still almost empty. I came back to work today after raya and the parking lots and the whole area seems like a deserted place.
I better call anyone around,see if I could go beraya at their house this week or so....offer diri gitewwww....
I finally managed to secure a ticket to watch the theatre. Berhempas-pulas aku dok tunggu, line busy memanjang, the ticket website pun slow semacam due to heavy traffic and then akhirnya , after like 150minutes of perseverance, I got the RM50 ticket on a Sunday matinee show, 28th Oct, Sunday. Apparently, Dr.Bubbles also gonna be there but on the following week and he'll be catching the last show from a better seating position.
This is gonna be my personal "debutante" into the Istana Budaya scene. I missed watching Puteri Gunung Ledang the Musical due to sengkek-ness, and so this time, I tried not to miss another of Tiara Jacquelina's masterpiece (i wonder whether she would make a cameo on the stage or not as she wasn't listed among the cast). Oh well, there'll always gonna be a first time for everything. Although i had to go there on my own, I'll make sure that my mood matches the theatre ambience. I need to think of what to wear for such an occassion now. Something that exudes bold and confidence yet sophisticated and warm. Hmmm....come to think of it, going on a baju raya should be ok too considering that it's an afternoon show and it's still Shawal, kan kan? but would that makes me look like so an outsider...? naaahhhh i'll drop that idea laaa....nanti tak cool....mana tau kot2 ade saper2 nak interview/terjah for any comment on the show, i'll be mistaken for someone going for an open house function plak.
Right. Must. not. get. too. excited.
Eh, kita belum salam raya kan? Heheheh...maaf zahir batin ok - walau cuma kenal di alam siber tp mcm kenal dah lama. Er, salam kosong je ke?
Good luck with The Relationship Adventure - update us la with some progress report from time to time. myanmar pun ok what.Neway, I'll make special doa for you & ...
Lor, juz now I was looking for ppl to invite over to my 'opis' - brought lotsa stuff from kampung -mak's cooking. The whole building is deserted - except for ppl struggling-with-thesis like me heheheh... Wish I cud invite u...Nak dtg rumah? Tak boleh & toksah lah - rumah bujang je....kuih pun cilok dari kpg!
Eid mubarak, Rad
Ape lak myanmar dude? itu cuma cuci mata sahaja...this new fella shall remain anonymous until i am ready to reveal more about him. But I akan story2 la ape2 yg patot kan?
eh ape salahnya nak invite pon? Raya invitations shouldnt be limited to a certain people/group only unless u rasa inconvenient. Email la kita, ok? boleh kenal2 more!
Good luck with the new adventure!!
I'm finally done with my bengang moments... but no new adventure :(
Eid mubarak, Ubi,
Thanks, ubi. It could be another bumpy ride, or it could also be a long winding road, but I am ready to spare yet another place in my heart for him. All I can say is that we are from a similar engineering background. Though ada close guy fren of mine dah ask for my hand, I dont have much of a chemistry with him and he has done so little in trying to get to my heart. And so, i am giving the priority to this new fella and hope that our "CQI" will result in high "KPIs"....thats the usual lingo we talk here in our faculty....
halamak..120 to 170 kmph? sungguh lah tak berhemah nya..mak oiii.so kiranya, u ni kiranya minah kerempitan lah ye? (as in kereta and rempit)
Salama aidilfitri, manal.
Eid mubarak, makji,
Kerempitan apenya...still biasa jer ape...its only 90-105 mph pon....nothing unusual. Except that, time2 nih jer la i lepas geram. Nak tahu, the moment i bawak less than 120kmph during that trip KL-JB-KL on the left lane, some mangkok hayon flashed their headlights on me? and karena itu la i needed to accelerate in order to lose those inconsiderate people? Pelik kan depa?
U sure seemed to enjoy ur raya holidays so far and I am looking forward for more of your hillarious updates!
PS: Apparently mat rempits weren't to be found anywhere during my journey. Terbongkang belasah raya food kot.
Hi Manal,
Duh! Exciting nya dengar you're embarking on your new 'adventure'. Betul your thoughts tu. Kalau hati tak bergegar, tak best lah. Hey dear, take it easy, and go with the flow..babe! Let there be a sweet build up. I agree, please update us.
Thanks for the mention re P Ramlee the musical. Whatcha waiting for meh..ha ha? Go on date quick, go see with Prince Charming..dub dab dub dab!
Eid mubarak, kak ruby,
I could not agree more with taking it easy and to go with the flow. Turned out that he's been fancying me all these while from afar but hasnt got the guts to approach me until the day I spoke to him first and offered the seat next to me on the tour bus. He told me after a while that who would resist such offer made by a beautiful girl.
Looks like most of the tickets left are 180 and 200 ones. And he's still at his "kampung" far far away from here. Wouldnt want him to cut his holiday shorter by changing his flight returning date and sacrifice coming back to KL earlier just because i wanna catch the theatre show? Nonetheless, I must try the few last shows la macam ni but must be before 2nd nov as i will be attending some university course pulak....booking lines pon very busy....sigh. Need to "talk" to tiara on this!
Woit Manal, selamat beraya sakan and selamat ber'musical'an...
Anyway, congrats for managing to complete the whole of Ramadhan.
What? Less than 3 hours to JB. Tak takut kena saman ker? I already feel uneasy in my tummy everytime I hit more than 129km/ph, let alone 170?
I wonder why would those mangkok hayons flashed their headlights on you? Coz they managed to 'potong' u balik...?
ops, i meant more than 120km/ph..
Eid mubarak, Abdun,
Yeah i saw some warning "awasi perangkap laju" at some point but it was 1.00am and the road has very traffic on. Wallahu a'lam, other ppl speeding at 170-180kmph or more but whenever i saw those signs, i slowed to 110kmph and went to left lane. Still some ppl tak reti bahasa tailgate me? nak potong, potong jer la ape hal nak rapat2 mcm bodo? hangin btol aku so tu yg i finally decided i better get away from them morons.
Tak sakan raya pon, normal sahaja, yg penting i managed to wake up early in the eid morning, bersiap2 dgn good mood and not in the rush and went to do the solat sunat eid berjemaah. Alhamdulillah, thats all that mattered to me the most.
very light traffic....
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