Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Obsessing over Manal

I am serious ok...some fella out there (in the Facebook) is soooooo obsessed with this name:MANAL. He kept adding more and more ladies named Manal into his Facebook list?!

Apparently there are quite a few Manal Ismail too listed in the Facebook search engine.

When the Malaysians are still "in the dark" on this pretty peculiar yet beautifully crafted name Manal , those especially in Egypt and many Arab league countries have long been enchanted by it.

I have also had a request from a middle-east lady to add me as her friend through Facebook just because I reminded her of her nieces, and friends and some people dearer to her. And she made acquaintance with me through Scramble.

As of today, there are about 1, 030, 000 Google hits on Google for the search word: Manal.


Typhoon Sue said...

wahh... fofular la u nih... :-)

what does the name mean?

ManaL said...


It means: achievement. It comes from the root word: Naala ( as in nun alif lam) and my name is spelled as mim nun alif lam, one letter shorter than in the roman version.

Hazyr said...

wah...ada jugak orang obsessed over a name ya? I wonder how many has he added to his list so far.. Boleh buat fanclub! ;)

The Pisces Man said...

Feel like calling u Naala from now on, can I? Hehehe..

ManaL said...


How amazingly weird kan????

ManaL said...

Pisces man,

Cannot! (as in U-Mobile ads tone)....Naala also means "have achieved" (as in past tense) and that makes me like a has-been? But of course Naala is also the name of that female lion the object of affection of Simba in the Lion King!
Besides that I have a 3rd sister name Nahlah and people call her Naala or Elle (as her full name is Nahlah El-Kudssiah).

The Pisces Man said...

Haha.. cannot! Eh, yes lah, Naala and Simba :)... Elle, glamer nama tuh!

ManaL said...

Pisces man,

And yourself, do people still call u Abun? or is it now abdun/nizar/something else

Mel Ija said...

Glamour seeee...!! I wish I have a popular name like yours. Not to say that mine isn't, but if one can change his/her name every few times, that'd be cool ain't it? Like Puff Daddy? Or is it Diddy?

The Pisces Man said...

Abun still came out once a while.. and still from the same mouths whenever I met them, which rarely happens la nowadays of course (I mean meeting them).

You know, I remember one of them used to call me Abdun sabun sometimes. Sungguh kurang sopan! Haha..

It has always been Abdun for friends and Nizar for families/relatives. Don't know why..dah terbiasa. Till now I'd introduce myself as Abdun to a new acquaintance, unless he/she is a relative from my wife's side whom I've never met before, then I'd say Nizar.

All my 3 cousins and their families call me John McKeterk (pronounce it as in 'perk', 'jerk'). Now, how about that? :-))

ManaL said...

Mel Ija,

Errr popularity based on the name is kinda marketable, isnt it? People/product/band/brand with some peculiar yet catchy names tend to stick in one's mind more often than an ordinary or copycat sort of name. Its about avoiding being categorized under the forgettable ones, forgettable faces, and so on...

IN my case, some may tend to forget who i am now, but when i introduce meself as Manal Ismail, that name rings a bell like no other.

ManaL said...

Pisces man,

Never knew u r not that much into people calling u Abun (rhyme with sabun, i know!)

Nizar is more of a neutral name kan? Both genders are found to have this name including the Perak menteri besar. But u r more of an XY being or are u not? (*evil giggle)...