An advert from RTM displaying Almarhum Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj, the Father of Independence (bapa kemerdekaan):

This year's merdeka theme song:
I was rather poorly from 29th august and only felt better on the 31st august afternoon. I missed those detik 12 malam (12 midnight moment) when the clock stroke 12 marking the merdeka night. I tried to stay awake, but my ailing body gave up like 30mins before midnight only to wake up again at around 2.00am feeling rather feeble. But i was never short of feeling patriotic and proud of my nation having survived 50 years of independency. Our country may still be young yet we have achieved so many things that made us very proud to call ourselves malaysian.
After 446 years of under colonisation from the portuguese (1511-1641), dutch (1641-1825), british (1825-1957) and japanese (1941-1945), we received our independency from the british on the 31st of August 1957. Almarhum Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra performed the declaration of independency with 7 shouts of Merdeka on that day at Stadium Merdeka, KL.
OK enough with all the history facts, I am ever so glad to be born a Malaysian.
I hope you are feeling better by today.
446 years is very long MANAL... Very. 50 years indeed dwarfed by that. But hopefully the contents within is worth a hundred years.
Thanks Gab, I am, and now am busy finalising with final semester exam questions...
Unfortunately we have lost or we are short of documents circulating more than half of the colonial period. It probably needs a lotta work to dig whats really been going on through dutch and portuguese era besides some of their remnants, buildings,relics, clothings and descendents. Good thing those English managed a fairly good documentation and record of their activities and the surroundings and some of it are written in the textbooks. I've been to the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) in london and was rather overwhelmed when i found the book/manuscript written by Richard Winstedt on Tanah Melayu including those in Jawi. After all, half of me goes a very long way in malaysian history.
Hi Manal,
Happy Merdeka.
I believe we can wish each other each other Happy Merdeka any time.
Yeah! That's how long we've been colonised. No wonder we do suffer from low self esteem still and some of the symptoms over here are"
White is best...fair maidens, white rice, white bread, white flour, white sugar. I believe I am just half way winning this mentality liberation..as I like tan girls, tan boys, brown sugar, brown rice ...ha ha. Happy to hear you are better. Cheers.
Hello Kak Ruby,
We r still feeling the heat of the 50 years of merdeka. Though we ought to know that Malaysia was created in 1963 when sabah and sarawak joined the federation as one big coalition, that merdeka feelings does make one quite sentimental.
I normally preferred tanned boys too but lately it's the commitment that counts....sorry i guess i m still having some stomach bug especially last weekend trip to cameron highlands....
Er, Merdeka dah selamat jalan dah so Selamat Hari Penubuhan Malaysia ke-44 on this 16th?
Most important, salam Ramadhan al-Mubarak to you & family!
And it's out fren's besday today!
really rad??? i'll email her la soon.
Yupp ramadhan kareem to u too!
Hi Manal,
SELAMAT BERPUASA. How time flies kan? Tahu2 dah Raya. Duh! Take care dear.
Kak Ruby,
Ramadhan kareem to u.
Yupp, indeed time flies...
Raya? kak ruby nak jemput for open house ke ;-D
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