Thursday, April 03, 2008

What do I really, really, really want?

Elizabeth Gilbert, author of the book "Eat, Pray, Love", shared her own enlightenment stories on one episode of The Oprah Winfrey Show and below are what caught me most:

Excerpt from Oprah Winfrey's website (click here for more stories):

You can take your own spiritual journey every, single day. Liz has three daily rituals that anyone can do anywhere.

  • Start a journal and answer this question every morning: What do I really, really, really want? "You have to say really, really, really three times or else you don't believe it. And answer it truthfully and do it again the next day and the next and the next," she says. "Because you can't set your journey if you don't know what you're for."

  • Write down the happiest moment of every day in a happiness journal. "It's a way of reminding myself what really makes me happy and what doesn't," she says, "and learn and study and look back and see what is it consistently."

  • Refine your mantra. "I say refine, not choose, because we all actually already have a mantra. We just might not realize that we do. Whatever you repeat constantly in your head is your mantra whether you know it or not, and that is leading you on your way," she says. "So if you're repeating, 'I'm a moron, I'm an idiot, I'm a failure, I'm a jerk, I'm a loser,' it's your mantra. So decide whether that's working for you. … Maybe it's not and then maybe you might want to choose a different thing to try to say whenever you remember that you're thinking what you're always doing."


The third one: Refine Your Mantra, does strike a chord with me. In my own personal take on this, I would also add not just that "What do I really, really, really want" mantra, but even in Islam, any du'a (solemn prayers) repeated three times will add weight to the significance of our wishes and what we would ask from God. Once you have said your prayers and repeat the things you really, really, really want three times, you will then have to tawakkal (put the trust) to God. Somehow, the power of believing and keeping in faith could actually work in some sort of a cosmic way whichever religion one believes in. It's this natural bond to our Creator and He is Oft-forgiving and Most Merciful and Ever Knowing.


I am working my way towards reaching my ideal weight based on the healthy Body Mass Index, BMI range of 18-24. Fat is easily linked to many diseases including cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, and etc and it strikes the overweight and obese person higher than those who are keeping themselves within the healthy BMI range. Not only that, excess fat can cause hormone imbalance that will lead to irregular menstruation cycle as what two O&G specialists informed me.

It's been the second week since i have begun to take gym and some aerobic lessons seriously and for ONCE, i did not experience "breathless" or short of breath after like 2 years. I have started eating a smaller portion of rice everyday since the end of last year, looked after my food consumption and all and yet, nothing beats the much accelerated effect of burning those fats by doing the aerobic exercises per week. And although i tried to do that on my own at home and did brisk walking down the local lake park since a year ago, it wasnt as fun as joining a group of ladies flexing our muscles and sweating together as we tried (even struggled) to follow our instructor's orders and steps. It combines both aerobic and resistance routines and amazingly, our body is literally our very own number one resistance and not those added weights/ dumb bells.

But then, after each session, my poor left knee begins making some cracking sound especially whenever i climb up the stairs. For that i had to resort to applying Minyak Kayu Putih (100% sans methyl salicylate, click here for more info) to remedy the patella joints.

Minyak Kayu Putih Cap Lang, bagus!!


Siti Khadijah said...

Keep it up Manal. The exercise makes your brain secrete serotonin the happy drug. You sound happy!

ManaL said...

Madam Curi,

Yeah, that,and as a natural cortisol remedy that will subsequently lower the bad cholestrol towards balancing the internal organ system especially the heart, liver, kidney and brain.

More of at peace with myself.....

rad said...

Good luck with the aerobic & bmi thing - yg penting, kita kena istiqamah ye..hehehe..
I go for jogging/walking@ the lake only on sunday (klu x balik kpg)- er, cukup kot?

ManaL said...


Yes, istiqamah (consistent) is the main ingredient to weight loss.

On the lake part: Kalau tak hujan, or too hot, then it should be fine. Especially in the morning.